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Diabetes is a complex and progressive disease that affects the blood vessels of the eye. An abnormal material is deposited on the walls of the retinal blood vessels, which is the region known as the "eye fundus", causing narrowing and sometimes blockage of the blood vessel, and weakening of its wall, which causes deformities known as microaneurysms. These microaneurysms often rupture or leak blood causing haemorrhage and infiltration of fat into the retina. There are two forms of diabetic retinopathy: exudative and proliferative. In both cases, retinopathy can lead to partial or total loss of vision.
Exudative Diabetic Retinopathy: Occurs when hemorrhages and fats affect the macula, which is necessary for central vision, used for reading.
Proliferative Diabetic Retinopathy: arises when the disease of the blood vessels of the retina progresses, which causes the proliferation of new abnormal vessels that are called "neovasos". These new vessels are extremely fragile and can also bleed. In addition to bleeding, neovas can proliferate into the inside of the eye causing varying degrees of retinal destruction and impaired vision. Neovasal proliferation can also cause blindness as a result of retinal detachment.
Diabetes mellitus is the triggering factor of this disease, which prevents the human body from making adequate use of food, especially sugars. The specific problem is a deficient amount of the hormone insulin in diabetics.
Risk Groups
Diabetics have a risk of losing sight 25 times higher than those who do not. Diabetic retinopathy affects more than 75% of people with diabetes for more than 20 years.
Careful management of diabetes with an adequate diet, use of hypoglycaemic pills, insulin or a combination of these treatments, prescribed by the endocrinologist, are the main way to prevent diabetic retinopathy.
Laser beam photocoagulation is the procedure by which small areas of the diseased retina are cauterized with the light of a laser beam in an attempt to prevent the bleeding process. Ideally, this treatment should be administered at the beginning of the disease, allowing better results, so it is extremely important to have regular visits to the ophthalmologist.
Glaucoma is an eye disease that causes damage to the optic nerve and visual field, and can lead to blindness.
In most cases, it is accompanied by elevated intraocular pressure, but "low pressure" glaucoma may occur.

Glaucoma can be:
congenital: present at birth, newborns have enlarged eyeballs and blurred corneas. The treatment is surgical;
secondary: occurs after eye surgery, advanced cataracts, uveitis, diabetes, trauma or use of corticosteroids;
Chronic: Usually targets people over 35 years of age. One of the causes may be obstruction of the flow of a liquid that exists inside the eye called aqueous humor. In chronic glaucoma, the symptoms usually appear at an advanced stage, that is, the patient does not notice the loss of vision until experiencing the "tubular vision", which occurs when there is great loss of visual field (irreversible loss). If the disease is not treated, it can lead to blindness. Therefore, the annual ophthalmologic examination, preventive, is essential for early detection and treatment. In general the treatment is performed through eye drops, however, if the clinical treatment does not present satisfactory results, surgery becomes an option.
It usually occurs after 60 years of age and affects the central area of ​​the retina (macula), which degenerates with age. DMRI causes poor central vision (central spot), making it difficult to read.¹
Several factors may be associated or credited as favoring the appearance of macular degeneration. Light skin and blue or green eyes, excessive exposure to solar radiation, smoking, and a high-fat diet are factors that correspond to the increased incidence of age-related macular degeneration.²
In 90% of the affected patients, the so-called dry or non-exudative form of AMD is observed. The remaining 10% are exudative (characterized by the development of abnormal blood vessels under the retina.) The exudative form is primarily responsible for the devastating central visual loss referred to macular degeneration.²
The prevention and treatment of AMD is carried out using vitamins, antioxidants and dark or light glasses with UVA and UVB protection. A diet rich in green leafy vegetables and low in fat is beneficial in preventing AMD. As already mentioned, smoking increases the incidence of Macular Degeneration 2, so it should be avoided.
Damage to central vision is irreversible, but early detection and care can help control some of the effects of the disease.
In some cases laser photocoagulation is required.
Check out an example of vision with Age Related Macular Degeneration (AMD), compared to normal vision.

Posted by The Activist.


Bitcoin is a consensual network offering a new payment system and completely digital money. It is the first decentralized peer-to-peer payment system supported by its users without a central authority or intermediaries. From a user's perspective, Bitcoin is a big money for the Internet. Bitcoin can also be seen as the most prominent existing triple entry accounting system.
Who created Bitcoin?
Bitcoin is the first implementation of a concept called "crypto-currency", which was first put forward in 1998 by Wei Dai in the cypherpunks mailing list, suggesting the idea of ​​a new form of money using cryptography to control their issuance and transactions , as opposed to relying on a central authority. The first specifications and validation of the concept were published in 2009 in a mailing list dedicated to cryptography by Satoshi Nakamoto. Satoshi left the project at the end of 2010 without saying much about his person. Since then, the community has grown exponentially, with many programmers working at Bitcoin.
Satoshi's anonymity has often raised unjustified concerns, many of them related to the misunderstanding of the open-source nature of Bitcoin. The Bitcoin protocol and software are freely published and any programmer in the world can see the code or make their own modified version of Bitcoin software. Like the current programmers, Satoshi's influence was limited by the fact that the changes made by him had to be adopted by others, and because of this he had no control over Bitcoin. As such, the identity of Bitcoin inventor is probably as relevant today as the identity of the person who invented the paper.
Who controls the Bitcoin network?
No one controls the Bitcoin network as no one owns the technology behind the email. Bitcoin is controlled by all Bitcoin users around the world. While programmers are improving software, they can not force a change in the Bitcoin protocol because all users are free to choose which software and version to use. To stay compatible with each other, all users must use software that complies with the same rules. Bitcoin can work correctly only when there is consensus among all users. So, all users and programmers have a strong motivation to protect this consensus.
How does Bitcoin work?
From the perspective of a regular user, Bitcoin is nothing more than a phone application or a computer program that offers a Bitcoin personal wallet and allows a user to send and receive bitcoins through it. This is how Bitcoin works for most users.
Behind the scenes, the Bitcoin network distributes a public register called the "block of blocks." This registry contains every transaction ever processed, allowing a user's computer to verify the validity of each transaction. The authenticity of each transaction is protected by the digital signatures that correspond to the addresses where the bithocks were sent, allowing all users to have full control over the bitcoins sending from their personal Bitcoin addresses. Additionally, anyone can process transactions using the computational power of specialized hardware and be rewarded with bitcoins for this service. This is often referred to as "mined". To learn more about Bitcoin, see the dedicated page and the original work.
Freedom of payments - You may send and receive any amount of instant money anywhere in the world at any time. No days when the banks are closed. No limits imposed. Bitcoin allows its users to have full control over their money.
Very low taxes - Bitcoin payments are currently processed either without taxes or with very low taxes. Users may optionally include a fee to take priority in processing the transaction, resulting in a faster confirmation of transactions by the network. Additionally, there are commercial processors assisting traders in processing transactions, changing bitcoins in a hard currency, and daily depositing funds directly into the merchant's bank account. These services are based on Bitcoin, they can be offered at much lower fees than PayPal or credit card networks.
Fewer risks for traders - Bitcoin transactions are safe, irreversible, and do not contain customer information. This protects merchants from damage caused by fraudulent fraud or chargebacks, and PCI compliance is not required. Traders can easily expand to new markets where credit cards are not available or fraud rates are unacceptably high. Net results are lower taxes, wider markets and lower administrative costs.
Security and control - Bitcoin users have total control over transactions; it is impossible for traders to force undue or hidden charges or payments as might happen through other methods of payment. Bitcoin payments can be made without personal information being linked to the transaction. This provides increased protection against identity theft. Those who use Bitcoin can also protect their money by backing up and encrypting.
Transparent and neutral - All Bitcoin money information is available at any time in the chain of blocks that can be checked by anyone and used in real time. No individual or organization can control or manipulate the Bitcoin protocol because it is secure from a cryptographic point of view. This allows Bitcoin to be completely neutral, transparent and predictable.
What are the disadvantages of Bitcoin?
Acceptance - Many people still have not heard of Bitcoin. Every day, more and more businesses accept bitcoins because they want the benefits associated with it, but the list is still small and needs to grow to benefit from the network effect.
Volatility - The total bithole value in circulation and the number of companies using Bitcoin is still very small compared to what it might be. So, relatively small events, speculation, or the activities of certain firms can greatly influence the price. In theory, this volatility will shrink as Bitcoin markets and technology will mature. There has never been such a coin, so it is quite difficult (and thrilling) to imagine what will happen.
Continuous development - Bitcoin software is still in a beta stage with many incomplete options still in active development. New tools, options and services are being developed to make Bitcoin safer and more accessible to the masses. Some of them are still not ready for everyone. Most Bitcoin-based businesses are in the beginning and do not yet provide any insurance. Generally, Bitcoin is still in the maturation phase.
Why do people trust Bitcoin?
Most of the people's trust in Bitcoin comes from the fact that it does not require any trust. Bitcoin is entirely open source and decentralized. This means that anyone who has access to the entire source code at any time. Any programmer in the world can then verify exactly how Bitcoin works. All real-life bitcoons and all transactions can be viewed in real-time by everyone. All payments can be made without the involvement of a third party and the system is protected by very powerful cryptographic algorithms that are similar to those used in online banking. No organization or individual can control Bitcoin, and the network remains secure even if not all users are trustworthy.
Posted by The Activist.


I'm going to try to summarize some basic information about bitcoin. The important thing is to know that I'm not a kind of sales agent who knocks at the door to tell people who's the razor that makes you the most aerodynamic. I'm not interested in how many people come into this field, after all, our business is an information site, we do not earn anything if people buy or sell bitcoin in one place or another.
Time stamp, blockchain technology behind the bitcoin and its utilities
In short, Bitcoin is the first cryptographic coin. What it means - it's about changing highly encrypted, encrypted values, and the secret ingredient is a time stamp. ADDITIONAL - if I have made a transaction through this coin (say send money to someone, or buy something from the Internet, or "mine" - I will explain mining below), that transaction is recorded with a time stamp ( date, time) and can no longer be changed in any way, unless you curve the time, you return with time before the transaction and change it. In other words, it is simply impossible because it is based on a factor that does not hold man or technology - time. This time stamp can be seen as a kind of serial number on the money. Money is not fake due to a number of safety measures including that serial number. Correct? Well, the series is printed once in cash when they are put on the market by the issuing bank, and with that series they remain until they are quashed. But if you go to a store and buy a product, the series does not change, there is nothing extra to that code, the money is the same. With this time stamp of the bitcoin, every time the money goes through a place, something is added to the virtual place it's been through, that is, another time stamp that tells you how much money went through that place . However, it is important to say that the "place" (also called electronic wallet) is not related to the identity of a particular person. So you can not find information about the activity of Alex Popescu, who used a bitcoin on date x to buy y. This, unfortunately, makes them susceptible to money laundering in some cases. Moreover, because the money in question can only be accessed by the person holding the password, nobody can confiscate or tax them and no one can assess exactly how much money a person holds if he does not make his personal public code. Otherwise, if we are talking about a public institution or administration at the service of the citizen, that code (called e-wallet address) can be made public, and citizens can pursue every activity of interest - what public money is spent, how many taxes are collected, during which period, etc. All this without the need for expensive paperwork, officials and departments, because the whole process automatically makes the computer, without the possibility of mistake and instantaneous.
That's why, due to time stamps, technology (called blockchain) can be used for example in the notarial field where there is no need for trustworthy staff. When you have a choice between trusting a paid man with a lot of money (a man who can hypothetically be corruptible) or in a fast (categorically and demonstrably incorruptible) technology, it's good to go to the technology. So a testament, for example, or a purchase sale contract - is electronically introduced by a person who is the sole owner of the password, and has an incorruptible time stamp based on blockchain technology. This clearly knows the intentions of that person to pass the property from one person to another.
For the technology that was created, Satoshi Nakamoto (the programmer hiding behind a pseudonym, his identity is unknown) should have been nominated for the Nobel Prize, but because he is a person under the protection of anonymity, they would violate the Foundation's rules .
That's what it would be like to say about the bitcoin on security and the reasons why people trust the coin.
About bitcoin and its value
Obviously, the value of money is that ... they are worthless, they are not consumable, and can only be used as a method of exchange, because people trust them and, in addition, they are legally obliged to accept them. They are emitted by a central bank.
Gold is the most important value on the market because it is genuine, genuine, and comes in limited resources, mined by human and technological forces, so they are not subject to volatility just like, say, the Zimbabwean dollar, where the central bank injected large amounts of money, and now a bus ticket costs more than a billion Zimbabwean dollars. Inflation principles are already known, as is the way money is emitted.
It's the same principle when it comes to bitcoin. Like money or gold, it has no value in the sense that it can not be used to cover the primary or secondary needs of man (food, shelter, luxury, etc.). Basically, it is a symbol for some accepted transaction values.
I'm going to try to make a kind of proximity, specific feature. Gold and bitcoin have no value, as we said earlier. For both, an effort is needed to get out. In the case of gold, this effort is obvious - mining. In order to better understand the concept, the process of issuing bitcoins is called mining and involves an effort, which is not physical but only technological and that some devices make (in the past, computers, effective). These devices consume current to solve a single cryptographic equation. It connects to an outlet and wi-fi to an electronic wallet. Randomly, depending on the computing power of the connected device and the number of people trying to make the calculations (which gives the difficulty of mining), the equation will be resolved faster or slower and the miner will be rewarded with a higher amount or less bithokin, which is transmitted according to the protocol to the electronic wallet. It receives the so-called proof of work, ie a time stamp, as in the case of transactions that give it that amount of new virtual money without a trading history.
Gold has the merit of coming in limited quantities of nature. So, in the Bitcoin protocol (the programmer code that the entire system is based on), a maximum limit of bitcoins that can be generated for the entire history (21 million bitcoins) is imposed.
It is important to say here and that the protocol that imposes operating rules for the system is an open-source one, that is, it can be seen by everyone. So if any programmer noticed any irregularity, any false, any "hidden clause," could have made it public. The protocol has been verified and verified by those interested and having programming knowledge. In addition, programmers who are about to change this protocol can definitely do this. The problem is, once you have made a change to the protocol, people will read that change, see what has been done and will judge whether or not it is a good change. If they like it, they can all adopt it, and then the change enters the mainstream, in the official protocol, by updating the program by most users. It's a very simple voting system that has worked well so far. So, if we say someone decides to make a change that is not accepted by the community, that change remains only on his computer and does not enter the bitcoin network. It's like writing a book, but not publishing it, no one reading it, staying forever in your drawer, and leaving the county library unchanged.
The activist...


BTC, short for Bitcoin, is a decentralized virtual currency found by Satoshi Nakamoto. The inventor or anonymous group published a white paper in 2008 as a proof of concept, then released it as an open source prototype software in 2009. Bitcoin uses peer-to-peer technology to operate without central authority or banking institutions; Managing transactions and issuing new BTCs, also known as mining, is done collectively by the network. Bitcoin has many unique characteristics compared to traditional credit cards such as international payments, low transaction costs, unchangeable transactions for online stores, and security through encryption.
Bitcoin is only made as a reward for work proof involving cryptographic hash called mining. Users offer their computing power to verify and record payments to a general ledger known as blockchain. Bitcoin that has been mined is outstanding and can be exchanged for goods and services. There will be only 21 million bitcoins available and the last bitcoin fragments will be obtained by miners in 2140. If this great bitcoin experiment works and people still use it afterwards, BTC miners will be exclusively supported by a small transaction fee for your transaction inserted quickly into the blockchain. However, these coins can be divided into smaller units, unlike ordinary bitcoin bits that can be split up to 10 ^ 8, which means that over time, people will have the ability to use bitcoins a bit small to buy goods. The smallest unit that is split from bitcoin is named 'Satoshi'.
Bitcoin prices are determined by supply and demand. As demand for bitcoin increases, prices rise and as demand falls, prices fall. There are only a few BTCs in circulation and new bitcoins are made at an estimated rate of diminution. Demand must follow this level of inflation to keep prices stable.
Unlike the centralized fiat payment system, Bitcoin is fully open-source and decentralized. Transactions can be independently verified at any time. Bitcoin payments can be made instantly and directly without intermediaries. The entire system is protected by a combination of elliptic curve cryptography and hashing on the sha256 curve. Simultaneously this mechanism provides enough space of a large enough random key that can not be attacked by hackers or mocked through math.
No organization or individual is in full control of the entire network. The Bitcoin network has no dependence on a central authority or a single administrator. Managing transactions and issuing new bitcoins is done collectively on the blockchain mentioned above. The Bitcoin protocol itself can not be modified without the cooperation of all its users in updating the software as a whole.
Bitcoin has several different features from government supported currencies:
The highly decentralized nature of Bitcoin distinguishes it from conventional money issued by central banks or federal agencies.
It is very easy to setup Bitcoin Software and Take Payment. Unlike conventional bank accounts, you can set bitcoin addresses in seconds without cost or documentation.
The anonymous nature of Bitcoin differentiates it from conventional money. The bank account has a link to your real name and other personally identifiable information.
Transparency on blockchain makes it different from conventional money. All newly issued bitcoin and bitcoin transactions are recorded in a public view and can be viewed live.
Ease of transferring money. You can send and receive money anywhere in the world within minutes, as soon as you broadcast a transaction, confirmed and spread to other peers on the network.
You can choose your own cost when you issue bitcoin. High transaction fee payments can prompt very fast confirmation on bitcoin networks. However, the fee is not related to the amount transferred, so it's possible to send 10,000 BTC at no cost, and just wait a moment to be confirmed (up to three days.)
Bitcoin transactions are safe, irreversible, and do not contain any customer sensitive or personal information. This provides strong protection against identity theft compared to checks or credit cards.
Bitcoin, ever heard of this term? If not, in the article DSWiki this week editor Dailysocial Lifestyle want to invite you to know more closely what it Bitcoin, how to work and also the history of its appearance.
What is Bitcoin?
The simplest definition of Bitcoin is "virtual currency". Full, Bitcoin is a virtual currency that exists only in digital form. It is neither governed nor influenced by any government regulation or financial institution. If so, then Bitcoin, although functioning as a means of payment, it does not have a physical form like a sheet of paper money or coins in your wallet. But the function is the same, as a means of payment. Bitcoin can also be cashed into the official / conventional currency.
In its role in the process of buying and selling, Bitcoin can be an alternative that offers a number of conveniences. Using Bitcoin each party can keep the privacy of the data held every time a payment is made. Consumers no longer need to inform personal data and financial data each time an online transaction.
History of Bitcoin
Bitcoin is a translation of a concept called "cryptocurrency" first established by Wei Dai in 1998. This concept emphasizes the control system that governs the creation and also the transaction, where the cryptographic algorithm governs only the owner of Bitcoin who can use the money, each of the Bitcoin owners acts as a user as well as a currency regulator, not by any government or agency.
The first Bitcoin currency was published by Satoshi Nakamoto in 2009. Yet a year later he left the Bitcoin project without much exposure as to who he was. But the development of Bitcoin continues to run with the emergence of new developers in the community, even its open source-based applications can be downloaded by developers who want to re-review the code line in it or make their own version of Bitcoin app.
How Bitcoin Works
Bitcoin uses a peer-to-peer network without centralized storage, which means it can be transferred anywhere as long as there is an internet network. The currency owned by someone will be stored in an application called Bitcoin Wallet. So, you will not receive money in any physical form other than an application in your gadget. This app must be installed on the receiver's computer and tablet or smartphone. Furthermore Bitcoin owners will get the name Bitcoin Address which is useful to receive Bitcoin submissions like email addresses. All computers connected to the Bitcoin network will be the same regulator that verifies the transaction data to prevent fraud.
What are the advantages of Bitcoin?
Bitcoin has several advantages over conventional currency, among others
Without limits, it can be sent anywhere in and around the world at any time.
Transfer fee is relatively small even 0.
Minimal risks, are relatively safer and do not use personal information of an important or confidential nature.
Neutral and transparent, you can even view and verify in real-time the supply and availability of Bitcoin block chains. As has been said before, no institution can arrange or manipulate Bitcoin.
What is Bitcoin's Weakness?
Besides the advantages, Bitcoin also has some disadvantages. For example:
There are still many people who have not received Bitcoin as a valid payment instrument.
Total circulation and companies / organizations that receive Bitcoin are still relatively small
The Bitcoin app is still in beta phase so there are many features that are under development and not yet usable.
How to Get Bitcoin
There are two ways to get Bitcoin legally, first by buying from an authorized exchanger. Second by following Bitcoin mining. If you want a quick and easy, choose the first method. Because the second way requires a sophisticated computer called Application-Specific Integrated Circuit (ASIC) and the procedure is not easy.
Bitcoin in Indonesia
Bitcoin since several years ago has penetrated Indonesia, although its utilization is still very limited. This condition is influenced by the statement of the highest financial authority in the homeland, Bank Indonesia which prohibits the use of Bitcoin. The study of how the use of Bitcoin in Indonesia itself is still carried out although it seems to take a long time.
Responding to the ban, Oscar Darmawan of Bitcoin Indonesia, judged it to be inappropriate because they think Bitcoin is not a currency as regulated by the law. Bitcoin is more of a transfer medium when used for transactions.
In Indonesia itself according to Bitdoku founder Tiyo Triyanto the number of bitcoin usage continues to grow every year.
"Posted by The Activist...


Imagine if you bought a commodity or currency for about $ 2,000, and within a few months it was worth $ 4,000 or $ 5,000, which means that your investment returns were 100%.
This is the case of buying the virtual currency of bitcoinin early 2017, which doubled its price during a record period, which caused a big bang in the financial markets and prompted many experts to try to understand the reasons for this rocket rise, and encouraged a large number of investors to seize the opportunity and record profits A fantasy can not be realized by any other investment.
What is this currency?
On January 3, 2009, the virtual space on a date with a major development in the financial world was the launch of a virtual currency called Bitcoin, which succeeded in a relatively short time in imposing itself and booking a place among the strongest currencies globally such as the dollar Euro, yuan and others.
What is this currency? Who invented it? How can they be used? Why did it spread so fast and record levels?
Simply put, Bitcoin is a virtual encrypted currency, designed and launched by an anonymous figure known as Satoshi Nakamoto.
Bitcoin is similar in nature to the dollar, euro and other currencies, but different in that it is fake and is used only over the Internet, no physical presence, it is encrypted and can not track the buying and selling processes that are used.
One of the main advantages of the "Bitcoin" secret, as can not track sales and purchase or control or intervention in the absence of any serial number associated with them, which enhances privacy and limits the control of governments and banks on the currency.
For example, when you buy a commodity in the currency of your home, the value of the commodity goes from one user account to another immediately without any transfer fees or through any bank or intermediary.
Bitcoin is not associated with a specific country or geographic location and can be used in any country just like the local currency. Many companies in some countries have begun to allow this virtual currency.
One of the advantages of this currency is its scarcity, with its inventor planning to produce only 21 million units by 2040, which helps preserve its value and prevents it from collapsing. It is also designed to prevent any transaction or action, and is issued collectively across the network.
Ready words
If you bought a commodity or currency for about $ 2,000, and in a few months it was worth about $ 4,000 or $ 5,000
What is this currency? Who invented it? How do you use? Why did it spread so fast and record levels?
Are they negative?
The main disadvantages of "Bitcoin" are the possibility of using them in illegal or legal transactions on the Internet, including the drug trade, the absence of legislation regulating the dealing and the rights of its users, and their value is highly volatile, as well as the small number of shops and shops that accept dealing with them , And the absence of full international recognition.
Bitcoin has previously been used in computer piracy, personal accounts and ransom applications, specifically in the two cyber crime attacks: the first ransom virus "Wanna cry" and the second "Petya".
The pirates, who attacked hundreds of thousands of computers in the world, demanded a ransom in the currency of bitcoin to return pirated files to their owners and reopen the virus.
How do we get "bitcoin"?
Getting a bitcoin is not difficult. The first thing you need is a coin storage place called a wallet, which is like a bank account.
There are two ways to get a "wallet", a free program that can be downloaded from the official website of Bitcoin, or open a portfolio through companies specializing in the services of Bitcoin. This method is better to ensure that your wallet is not lost and protected from piracy.
After acquiring the portfolio, you can start collecting bitcoin in several ways, most notably: buying a home from a service provider, a person wanting to sell, or mining, or mining.
Mining, which uses special software to generate an "address" used to send and receive remittances, was one of the most successful ways to get a home in the early years of the coin, but it requires a very powerful computer and hardware that has a supernatural card.
It can be obtained through exchange in traditional currencies, such as the dollar and others, or in the process of accepting payments for thousands of goods and services provided through the Internet and in restaurants, cafes and others.
Value of your home
When it was put on the virtual market in 2009, the value of the home value of about 6 US cents, but increased over the past years continuously until it reached about $ 1200 early this year because of the heavy demand on them. And continued to rise in the following months to record in early September last record level of $ 5000, before falling back to about $ 4100.
You can follow the price of your home at the moment on this link.
Why did they rise in record value?
There are three key factors to the rocket surge since the beginning of 2017. The first is the currency split into an original currency and a new one with the name of "cash formation".
From 6 cents in 2009 to $ 4,100 in September 2017. Why has the Bitcoin default currency soared? Is it a good investment option?
The new version was launched by a group of digital currency developers who differed with their counterparts on how to make bitcoin easier to use. It seems that the launch of bitcoin, which registered less than 10 percent of the original value, passed peacefully, Greater confidence and attractiveness.

The second factor is the acceleration of transactions offered by the new program for Configuration Cash, and the developers of bitcoin are also accelerating their transactions using several programs.
The third factor, most notably, is the rise in demand for the currency by the Japanese, after the Japanese government agreed to accept it as a legal payment method last April.
The most prominent companies and sites that accept today deal with the currency BITCOIN "Paypal" and "Microsoft" and "Dell" and "Expedia" and "Zinga" and "Bloomberg.com" and hundreds of other companies.
The countries that officially recognized the currency or left companies and individuals free to deal with are Denmark, Estonia, Sweden, South Korea, Canada, Finland, the Netherlands and Britain, while America has not officially recognized them.
The question remains about the future of BITCOIN whether it succeeds in becoming a globally recognized currency or disappears over time and is merely an illegal means used by unknowns to create a wealth estimated at hundreds of millions of dollars.
Posted ny The Activist...

Availability of Bitcoin Market

Too volatile For the experts, bitcoin is structurally too volatile for it to consolidate as a transition system or a stable asset. They emphasize that on average it has an oscillation higher than 6% compared to 1% of the currency standard. The very structure of the supply together with the "wild demand" will never lead to stable prices, with which bitcoin will be condemned to be a highly speculative asset.
Inefficient. The monopoly of the creation of money by a State allows stable control of taxes and economic stability. The uncontrolled offer of bitcoin breaks this principle, making its use inefficient. In addition, analysts echo the huge amount of electrical power needed for digital currency mining. "The use of superior algorithms will further increase the price of bitcoin and have an impact on the electricity market, which will be an important reason for governments to prohibit the digital currency," they explain.
Vulnerable. The bitcoin security protocols are weak and it will be even weaker with quantum computing systems. Although experts recognize that valuable assets have always been the subject of theft, their nature makes them even harder to protect.
Increase of the submerged economy. The use of bitcoin facilitates illegal activity by favoring the underground economy. The advantage offered by anonymity allows operations in the criminal field. The risk that real wealth will be transferred to the opacity of digital currencies "will be another incentive for governments to stop using it."
For these reasons, the analysts bet against bitcoin consolidating as a currency and emerge victorious from the digital currency war that is looming to consolidate. "Other safer digital currencies will take control," they explain. They think that bitcoin design is more likely to end up as a bubble than other competitors. "The history of the stock market is full of examples that show that being the first is not enough to survive against technically superior products," they stress.
The moment of the peak of the bubble is not clear, but a government action could trigger the puncture. "From the political point of view it is much better to puncture a bubble sooner than later because the effect of destroying wealth is less," they say.
The report points out that the countries with the most possibilities of starting to limit bitcoin are Russia, Nigeria, New Zealand, Ukraine, Kenya, South Africa, the United Kingdom or Colombia because of its weight in relation to GDP. Analysts point out that in the case of bitcoin there is a serious risk that its real value will be zero.
Posted by The activist...


From the perspective of prospectors, the price of the current bitcoin is much lower than it should be, so you will find that they do not want to sell their currencies at low prices because they have used huge amounts of electricity to produce them, in addition to investing in special equipment to do so. The situation will get worse for them unless the number of prospectors falls significantly, as the number of currencies to be produced will be halved every 4 years. In contrast, large amounts of bitcoin were produced very cheaply at the beginning of the coin. The number of prospectors was small and the hardness factor was very low and therefore needed less electricity. This created a state of imbalance within the currency network. The old sell their currencies without recording losses compared to those who joined the front of prospectors recently.

Applications of KFH
The applications of KFH, which is sometimes called the KFU Client, allow users to deal with the KFH network. In its basic form, the application allows generation and preservation of user-specific keys and connection to the peer-to-peer network of the currency. The first KFH application was launched in 2009 by Satoshi Nakamoto, the founder of KFH as a free and open source application. This application - commonly called a Satoshi application - is used as a personal computer portfolio for electronic payments or as a server to receive such payments and other payment services. The Bitcoin-Qt application is considered a reference application as it represents the mechanism by which the PCCW operates and is an example for other applications. When making purchases using smart phones, it is usually used to generate and / or read QR codes to facilitate conversion and payment. There are currently several applications that act as servers that confirm actions on the network and add a block of conversions.

International recognition
Germany is the only country to officially recognize the currency of Bitcoin as a form of electronic money, so the German government considered that it can tax the profits achieved by companies dealing with "bitcoin", while individual transactions remain tax free.
A federal judge in the United States recently ruled that the currency is a currency and a type of currency, and could be subject to government regulation, but the United States has not yet officially recognized the currency.
Some believe that official recognition has a positive side, which is to give the currency more legitimacy, while others believe that this may open the door to further regulation of the currency and linking it with governments, which runs counter to one of the features of KFH as a currency not subject to any party.

paying off
Payment by Bit Coin is easier than buying with credit or debit cards and can be accepted without the need for a bank account for the merchant. Payout payments are made through a Bit Coin Wallet software, either through a PC or smartphone, by entering the recipient's address and the amount paid and sending it

First ATM
The Espresso Café in Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada, hosted the world's first ATM for Virtual Digital Currency on 30/10/2013.

bitcoin and the Africa world
In comparison to other parts of the world, Africa countries began relatively late using bitcoin, where they announced their acceptance for the first time in Jordan at the Tea Bar in Amman. This was followed by a pizza restaurant and an ATM in Dubai and then an information systems company in Palestine. The ambassador's market has become one of the most important markets in Kuwait and the Middle East, which accepts its perfection in dealing with it. As for the electronic currency in the Arab media scene, news items have recently started to be talked about even slightly. Specialized sites have also started in the news, such as the Bitcoin.com News website [14] of a large media group. On the level of social networks, users in the Middle East and North Africa can interact On the site askbitcoiner, which is the first social network of digital currency in the Arab world where answers can be found for inquiries about the digital currency and Block chain.
Companies that provide services to the Batonco in the Arab world include Yellow and BitOasis, the two institutions in Dubai. In addition to BitFils in Kuwait.

Alternative currencies
Bitcoin is not the only virtual currency currently available in virtual markets. Thanks to the success of KFH, a variety of so-called "altcoins" or alternative currencies of good value has emerged in the market. This is a list of six alternative digital currencies:
Litecoin: If the bitcoin is gold, the litecoin is silver, as everyone says. Litecoin's currency has seen its popularity plummet in recent times. Litecoin is based on the Bitcoin protocol, but unlike Bitcoin, Litecoin has been designed to make exploration relatively cheap and easy, and is faster in transactions than Bitcoin.
Doggywen: The electronic coin means an electronic dog and contains a picture of a dog in its logo and the most important feature is the speed of currency production.
NovakWin is a virtual encrypted digital currency based on open source code and peer-to-peer IP. Is different from most of the alternative digital currencies of the home, as it integrates protection programs within the nucleus of the coin, which deter the attack by exploration groups
Nemquin: A million is the sum of the Nemquin coin, which means that nemquine will be relatively rare, exactly the same as the level of the rumen. Nemquin helps create the unregulated Internet and denies government control. It is a versatile platform that can be used for decentralized and unorganized DNS, a type of intranet.

Posted by The Activist...


Due to the current situation around cryptocurrency, some participants have questions about Bitcoins security in traders. Be aware, there are no reasons to worry. It's safe to keep Bitcoins on traders like your personal wallet or platform. The only difference in traders is that it also grows in high value - almost 30% per month. :-))
And if you ever lose the exchange rate - you can convert Bitcoins to traditional money; And when it grows - go back to Bitcoins. You are protected from all sides.
What is happening around Bitcoin and why?
Bitcoin is a progressive cryptocurrency that constantly changes. Many people started using Bitcoin, this is why more time is needed for transactions to confirm, as fees increase. The work is expanding, and the current structure of Bitcoin fails to manage current needs and need modernization.
The Bitcoin community has explained some cryptocurrency scaling measures to resolve the serious issues. Probably on August 1, one of them - is SegWit - to be revived. The measure is focused on upgrading the database structure, liberating half of the block space and thereby improving performance twice.
After the block size increase is planned to double the performance (in total it is four times). While there is a small risk that Bitcoin is split into two types (different blocks of blocks / transactions), if the Bitcoin community can not find common goals.
Our opinion about the current situation
    We think that every Bitcoin scaling proposal is aimed at its development. Regardless of the decision to be taken eventually, this is undoubtedly in favor of the users.
    Our system will support and apply the resolution to win the debate and accept the web community. It can not be different, because it is in favor of our participants.
    If Bitcoin is further divided into two types (however, in our opinion it is unlikely), the traders will decide on the situation. (In fact, all leading exchanges will do the same). But nevertheless it does not affect the interests of our participants.
    Remember that the current situation can be up building (and it will definitely do it!) Those who are deceitful will be misleading to unwanted participants. Therefore, for safety reasons, we recommend you keep Bitcoins in traders, rather than your personal wallet - so no one stole your money.
    Because the system is more fully protected against any emergencies compared to a single user, the most sensible thing to do, in our view, is investing bitcoins in trading today and quietly awaiting all those coming event while watching your money growing. More and more the situation within the system is completely stable today.
PETER, doctor of economic sciences, professor, president of the Center for the protection of depositors and investors, CEO of consulting and analytical union.
In the last four months have seen many developments related to the legal regulation of the General and the future of cryptocurrencies in Russia. One of the options for regulatory cryptocurrencies is included in the new draft administrative code in late December. At the same time, the Finance Ministry continues to promote a much more stringent bills that provide for criminal liability for emissions (mining) altcoins and exchange them for rubles and other Fiat currency on the territory of the Russian Federation. The maximum penalty for the above operations (for managers of financial institutions) increased to seven years in imprisonment, therefore, mining and exchange of bitcoins is essentially equal to grave crime.
Edition bits.media will be asked to comment on the situation and the options for its development of one of the leading Russian experts working on the subject of cryptocurrencies - Peter, who took part in the development of a new Cao is the author of many articles about Bitcoins.
Bits.media: Hello, Peter Watching attempts to introduce cryptocurrencies into the Russian Russian legislative field it is impossible not to notice your active involvement in expertise in groups and the preparation of documents. Please tell us why you are interested in the topic of crypto-money?
USA: Subject to alternative payments and troubleshooting tools included in my scientific interest within the last 15 years. Problems with circulation money are more than 100 scientific publications, some monographs, and participate in the drafting of the national Rules, are a member of the Governing Board of the NP "national payment of the City" . I defended the 2016 Financial Academy under the Government of the Russian Federation doctoral thesis on the implementation of economic interests in the private and national monetary system, and also published a number of monographs on the subject This, including "Private money; history and modernity "and" Money substitutes in the Russian economy ".
Posted by The Activist...


What is the Bitcoin Signal?
What is the Bitcoin Signal? - Bitcoin becomes a popular financial tool though everyone understands the basics of digital.
This is the title of everyone holding Bitcoin and would like to receive basic questions answered. How does Bitcoin work? How does Bitcoin Mine work? Is Bitcoin dangerous?
This article will also provide preview of some advanced Bitcoin concepts, blockchain, Bitcoin payments and transfers.
We will start with the basic question: What is the Bitcoin Signal?
What is the Bitcoin signal?
Bitcoin Trading Notifications From FxPremiere.com is a warning to the Trading Digital cryptocurrency trading trading SMS and email sent to subscribe worldwide to follow.
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What Is Bitcoin Cooperation?
Bitcoin summary is simply BTC. The same principle has USD (US Dollar).
What is Bitcoin signalBitcoin features?
Bitcoin can also be combined with some of the top financial. If so, the name of the CFD contract may be, for example, Bitcoin vs US Dollar CFD, or BTC / USD. What is the Bitcoin Signal?
How Does Bitcoin Work?
Bitcoin provides an opportunity to make quick, fast, secure and non-payment payments without the need for a bank or intermediate processor.
System transactions occur directly among the users' digital platforms and are verified on the blockchain. The transaction is digitalally registered with private key, which proves that it comes from the owner of this bag and is unrepentant.
What is the Bitcoin Signal?
What is Blockchain Technology?
What is a bitcoin block-block-chain is a leading corporate society of Bitcoin's services. A certain amount of transaction creates unit unit, called 'block', and each block stores information about the previous block, as well as each archive information about its previous purchase. In this way the block-chain makes it quite clear to pay.
Signs for CryptoCurrency
The blockcoin Bitcoin Infrastructure has provided a way to store financial data available to anyone, clearly, developed with open code and not any person or organization. Instead, blocking blockchain is done through the collaborative power of millions of computers that affirm trading and can not be 'blocks'.
Built-in consolidated transaction can not be modified or deleted, so all Bitcoin payments will keep you and can not be denied. What is the Bitcoin Signal?
What is Bitcoin Trading Mining?
If the new box is created on the block-chain, it is rewarded with 12.3 Bitcoins, which occurs nearly every 11 minutes. This is a reward for a so-called 'mine', which consumes energy and researchers at the end of the network. What is the Bitcoin Signal?
The reward for each block will be divided into 2020 and will continue to divide it for 4 years, up to 21 million Bitcoins built.
What is the Bitcoin Signal?
Who destroyed Bitcoin?
It is believed that Bitcoin was created by Satoshi Nakamoto, who announced 31 October 2008 in the list of cryptography addresses on a Bitcoin research document: Electronic Companion Fund System. Interestingly, his name is perhaps an alias used by an unknown person, or people, who originally built Bitcoin. In 2016, Australia's entrepreneur, Craig Wright, called himself 'Mr. Bitcoin ', a claim widely accepted by prominent members of Bitcoin society.
When was Bitcoin built?
Bitcoin's financial history comes from 2010, at 22 times when a person bought a pizza. If you have not heard about this sad event, do not worry, you do not have one ...
Crypto Signals
Items have come as far as 2010. The use of Bitcoin and equality has increased. If that diner adhered to those 11,000 Bitcoins, they probably could not have been historical, but it would have been $ 20 million better today.
How Do You Use Bitcoin Feeds?
There are many things you can buy using Bitcoin - without pizza! There are many other reception areas. According to www.btcoindesk.com, in 2015,
Most Bitcoin payment providers will also provide a QR code out of date.
The QR codes are very simple, making it easy to pay for the Bitcoin application bag on your smartphone. What is the Bitcoin Signal
Posted by The activist


"Money creation": for the common man, the concept itself is a bit of science fiction. What makes the billboard run? Under what conditions? How does monetary policy, the main instrument of economic policy in the euro area, affect activity?
Credits, the main source of money creation
Money has two great qualities: firstly to be perfectly liquid - that is to say immediately available and without cost - and secondly to be of little risk in the absence of inflation. strong. But with the development of markets, the proliferation of financial assets tends to blur the distinction between what is money and what is not. In fact, if a financial asset can be quickly and cheaply converted into a payment instrument, its liquidity brings it close to the currency.
The mechanism of money creation has its origin in credits granted by banks. The principle of credit consists in transforming claims on non-bank agents into immediately usable means of payment. In concrete terms, when a bank gives a loan to a client X, the latter has a demand deposit in this bank equal to the amount M of the sum lent. The bank, on the other hand, acquires a claim on customer X. There is therefore money creation: the bank did not punt into its reserves to lend the amount M to customer X: it has written a claim in its balance sheet.
But when the customer X reimburses the credit M, the bank clears the claim on his balance sheet: there is therefore at this time destruction of money. The creation of money will have been only temporary. There is therefore "net creation" of money only when the new credits outweigh the credits refunded.
Treasury bills and currency conversion
Banks can create money in two other ways, but with the same mechanism. First, when commercial banks grant credits to the Treasury, they acquire Treasury bills (Treasury claims). Secondly, banks can credit the account of an agent in exchange for foreign currency: for example, a French industrial paid in dollars will ask his bank to credit his account in euros; in return for this creation of money, the bank will acquire a claim on the United States. This creation of money is, for once, definitive.
The central bank also creates money through two major operations. On the one hand, when commercial banks need money to satisfy the withdrawals of their customers and to build up their reserves, they sell securities to the central bank, which in return credits their account. On the other hand, when a country's trade balance is in surplus, the net inflow of foreign exchange on the territory leads to the creation of money, and vice versa in the event of a trade deficit.
How can the central bank influence money creation?
Demand for credit, and therefore money creation, closely follows economic activity. In times of expansion, the money supply, boosted by investment and spending by economic agents, will increase, and conversely during a downturn in activity.
For most of the twentieth century, monetary policy has been used as a lever to restart the economy in the event of stagnation, at the risk of exacerbating inflation, or to restrict money supply in the event of overheating, at risk this time. to slow down growth.
But after the two oil crises of the 1970s, a consensus emerged in rich countries to focus monetary policy on the fight against inflation. This consensus is still at the heart of the mandate of the European Central Bank.
The main instrument of the central bank is the modulation of interest rates. By increasing or decreasing its key rates, the bank influences the refinancing cost of commercial banks in the money market, on which short-term securities are exchanged for "central bank" currency.
The central bank can also play on the mandatory reserve rate imposed on commercial banks: the higher it is, the less the mass of credits granted to economic agents will be important.
However, the impact of monetary policy on activity is not guaranteed. For example, at present, the anticipated demand of industrialists is low, so a fall in rates (and therefore the cost of credit) has no significant effect on the recovery of activity.
Inflation, deflation: what is the influence of money on the economy?
The quantitative theory of money, formulated by the British economist David Ricardo, highlights the monetary origin of inflation: if prices rise, it is because of a swelling of the money supply higher than the swelling of the production. For Ricardo, inflation is likely to occur when there is a fiduciary currency, and that it is not fully covered by gold. That said, this theory does not take into account that part of the extra money supply can be spared, and not spent.
The Philips curve highlights a negative relationship between unemployment and inflation: in the short run, the higher the unemployment rate, the lower the inflation rate. In times of high unemployment, employees can not put pressure to increase the level of wages. In the long run, however, according to the supporters of the monetarist school, these two variables are totally decor-related. This is why, in English, we call  structural unemployment (ie, long-term unemployment, not related to economic conditions): non-accelerating inflation rate of unemployment (non-inflationary unemployment rate) ).
Refinancing of banks: the inter-bank market
"Banks no longer lend themselves to each other." This is typically the kind of phrase that can be read every day in the economic papers. What are we talking about exactly? The inter-bank market is the preferred place for banks to find money. This network is intangible and only works on computer networks, without a trading room. Deadlines are very short: no more than twenty-four hours. The principle is that banks with surplus balance sheets lend their cash to those who need it, with interest. This interest rate varies according to supply and demand. When banks no longer lend themselves to each other, there is a risk of credit crunch.
In an open market situation (this is the case in the euro zone), the central bank can intervene in this market to make it easier for banks to obtain liquidity or, on the contrary, to put them in the Wheels: If it injects cash, the central bank lowers interest rates and facilitates credit conditions, and vice versa.
Posted by THE Activist


Bitcoin is a university network that offers a new payment system and full electronic money. Bitcoin is the first peer-to-peer decentralized payment network that is fully managed by its users without any central authority or intermediaries. From the point of view of the user, bitcoin can be closely likened to the currency of the Internet. bitcoin can also be considered the most prominent tripartite notebook system in existence.
Who created Bit Coin?
Bit Coin is the first application of a concept called "cryptocurrency" or encrypted currency, which was first talked about in 1998 by Wei Dai in the mailing list of cypherpunks, the author's idea was centered around a new form of money that relied on encryption to control its creation and handling , A substitute for central authority. The first application and confirmation of the principle was published in 2009 on a mailing list for encryption by Satoshi Nakamoto. Satoshi "Satoshi" left the project in 2010 without explaining more about himself. The development of the community from time to time multiplied and many developers are working on the Coin.
The issue of secrecy over the real Satoshi character often highlights unfair doubts, many of which are linked to the misunderstanding of the open source nature of the Queen's judgment. The protocol and the Bitcoin program are open and any developer around the world can access the source code and make a modified version of the Bitcoin program. Just like the current programmers, Satoshi 's influence was limited by the changes he made and adopted by others. Satoshi does not control Bat Queen! In the same vein, the identity of the inventor of Bit Coin is likely to remain as the identity of the inventor of paper!
Who controls and manages the Bit Coin network?
No one has a Bit Coin network just like no one has the email technology. Bit Coin is controlled by all Bitcoin users from all over the world. As developers improve the program, they can not enforce a change in the Bitcoin protocol because all users have the freedom to choose which program and version they can use. In order to stay in harmony with each other, all users need to use programs that are in line with the same rules. Bit Coin can work well only when there is consensus and integration among all users. Therefore, all users and developers have the ability and motivation to adopt and protect this consensus.
How does Bit Coin work?
From the point of view of the user, bitcoin is nothing more than a mobile program or a computer program that provides a personal coin purse and allows the user to send and receive the Coins using it. This is how Bitcoin works for most users.
Behind the curtain, the Bitcoin network shares a common bridge called the "block chain" or block chain. The bridge contains every transaction that was sent one day, allowing each user's computer to verify the validity of each transaction. The validity of each transaction is protected by an electronic signature that corresponds to the sender's address, allowing all users to fully control the sending of the Coin Currencies through their Coin Curves. In addition, anyone can complete transactions using the computing power of specialized hardware and win prizes for their services. This is called "mining" or prospecting. To learn more about Bit Coin, you can see how Bitcoin works and how to work with Core Coin.
Is The Bitcoin Really Used By People?
Yes, there are a growing number of businesses and people using Bit Coin. This includes many diverse businesses such as restaurants, real estate, legal institutions, and famous Internet services such as Namecheap, WordPress, Reddit and Flattr. While bitcoin is still a relatively new phenomenon, it is growing rapidly. At the end of August 2013, the total value of available Coin Currencies for trading exceeded $ 1.5 billion with millions of Currencies being traded daily


Payment - You can send and receive any amount of money instantly from or to anywhere in the world at any time. No bank holidays. no limits. No restrictions to skip. Bitcoin allows its users to fully control their funds.
Very Low Fees - Coin Pay Payments are currently executed either at no charge at all or at very low fees. Users can include transfer charges with their payments for priority execution, resulting in faster confirmation of transaction by the network. Further, traders have units to help handle transactions and convert the Coin Curve into official currencies and deposit funds directly into their bank accounts on a daily basis. Because these services are based on bitumen, they can offer their services at significantly lower costs than PayPal or credit card networks.
Less risk to traders - Coin transactions are safe, non-reversible, and do not contain sensitive or sensitive consumer information. This protects traders from loss from fraud or unsafe attempts to recover funds, and there is no need for any PCI compliance. Traders can expand into new markets where credit card support is not available or frauds rise unexpectedly. The final output is a few transfer fees, more markets, and lower administrative fees.
Security and control - Bitcoin users have full control over their transactions; it is impossible for traders to forcibly impose undeclared or undesirable fees, as can happen with other payment methods. Payout payments can be made without the integration or linking of personal information to the transaction. This provides superior protection against identity thefts. Bit Coin users can also protect their money through backup and encryption.
Transparency and neutrality - All information about the provision of funds to the same coin available in the block series for anyone to use and authenticate immediately. No one or organization can control or tamper with the bitcoin protocol because it is locked through the encryption and encryption system. Which makes it possible to trust in the basis of the decision that it is neutral, transparent and fully predictable.
What are the defects of the Coin?
Degree of Acceptance - Many people are still not familiar with the bitcoin. Every day, more business accepts Bit Coin because they want to get the benefits of accepting it, but the list remains small and still needs to grow to take advantage of the network's efforts.
Volatility - the full value of the octagonal in the range and the number of actions using the bitcoin is still small compared to what it might be. Therefore, relatively small events and trade or business activities can have a significant impact on price. Theoretically, this volatility will decrease with the development of the markets and technology of Bit Coin. The world has never seen such an emerging process, so it is really difficult (and exciting) to imagine what will happen.
Continuing Development - The Bitcoin program is still under beta testing with many incomplete features that are still under development. Many new tools, features and services are being developed to make Bit Coin more secure and accessible to everyone. Many of them are still not yet ready for everyone. A lot of business that uses the Coin Decoder is still new and does not offer insurance. In general, the Coin action is still maturing.
Why do people trust Bitcoin?
A lot of confidence in bitcoin comes from the fact that it does not require any confidence at all! The open source bit is completely decentralized. Which means that anyone has access to the full source code source at any time. Accordingly, any developer in the world can be sure exactly how the action works. Anyone can view all transactions and Currencies that have been issued in a transparent and instantaneous manner. All payments can be made without relying on a third party. The entire system is protected by an encrypted algorithm and thoroughly reviewed by both parties, just like those used in online banking systems. No individual or organization can control Bitcoin, and the network will remain secure even if all users can not trust it.
Can I make money with Bit Coin?
You should never expect to become a millionaire from Bit Coin or from any emerging technology. It is always important to be careful about anything that seems  "too good to be true" or against the rules of the economy!
Bitcoin is a growing space for creativity and there are business opportunities that also contain risks. There is no guarantee that Bit Coin will continue to grow even though it has developed at a very fast rate so far. Investing time and resources in anything related to Pete Quinn requires the spirit of entrepreneurship and adventure. There are multiple ways to make money with Bit Coin as drilling, speculating or running a new business based on the Bit Coin. All of these methods are competitive and there is no guarantee of profit. It is up to everyone to make an appropriate assessment of the costs and risks associated with each project.
Is bitcoin a completely passive and realistic?
Bit Coin is purely "virtual" as credit cards and e-banking networks that people use every day. Bit Coin can be used for payment through the Internet or in regular stores just like any other type of money. Bitcoin can also be exchanged physically as Casascius currencies. But mobile payment always stays more comfortable. bitcoin balances are stored in a distributed large network and can not be fraudulently manipulated by anyone. In other words, Bit Coin users have full and exclusive control over their money and their Coin Currencies can not just disappear because they are not physical.


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